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High Power LED Lights Array
Light your home with  High Power LED'S
I migrate through the following:
  1. LED Lights.
  2. Why LED Lights dominate the Incandescent and Compact Fluorescent Electric Bulb's?
  3. Materials for Building an array of LED's.
  4. Illustrating the Circuit.
  5. Implementation/practical video.
1. LED Lights:
                                     A LED (Light Emitting Diode) is basically a small light (pn junction diode) producing device that comes under Active semiconductor electronic components. 
internal structure of LED
                                        LED is a particular pn diode which generates photons (light) when a stream of electrons passes through it. To build a diode we use a crystal (electric insulator) which is doped by atoms which have one more electron on their valence band (N doping) or missing one electron on their valence band (P doping). 
LED symbol
                                          In N-doping,we use an electron donor(Group-V) an atom which has 5 electrons on its valence band. Four electrons will participate to the crystal structure the fifth will stay free capable of moving in the crystal as a negative charge(electron). In P-doping,we use an electron acceptor element (Group-III) which has 3 electrons on its valence band. These will participate in the crystal structure but one electron which creates a fixed hole like a positive charge(hole). Elements like boron (B), aluminium (Al), gallium (Ga), indium (ln) can be used.
Emerging light from LED
                                                   If an external voltage is applied across the diode with the polarity as that opposes the bult-in potential, the depletion zone continues to decrease resulting in the narrow width. During this the recombination of electron-hole pair emits the radiation in the form of Light. The various colors of emitted light depends on the wavelength. When the LED is reverse biased then it acts as an insulator preventing a significant electric current. This is the reverse bias phenomenon. However, if the polarity of the external voltage opposes the built-in potential, recombination of electon-hole pair can once again proceed resulting in substantial electric current through the p-n junction.

2.Why LED Lights dominate the Incandescent and Compact
Fluorescent Electric Bulb's?
LED lights
Incandescent electric bulb
CFL Bulb

  1. The Life Span of LED's are more than 50000 hours where as the Incandescent has 1200 hours and CFL's have 8000 hours.
  2. The power required for the LED's will be in the order of 1 - 8 Watts.The Incandescent requires 60 Watts and CFL's requires 13-15 Watts. Thus the LED's are more Power saving.
  3. Annual Operating Costs for the LED's are very much less than others.
  4. Heat emitted by the LED's are very very less when compare to the Incandescent and CFL's.
  5. Durability of LED'S are greater than others.
  6. Like Incandescent and CFL's, the LED's are not sensitive to low temperatures and humidity.
  7. LED's are not dangerous and the CFL's are hazardous.
3.Materials for Building an array of LED's:

1.  3W  LED's:(5 in number)
2.  1N 4007 diodes(4 in number):
3.  Transformer(Step down) 12V:0V:12V @ 1Amp:
4.  Capacitor (470uF @ 35V):
5. Resistors(10Ohm - 4 & 120Ohm -2 in number):
6. Voltage regulator IC LM 7824 :

4.Illustrating the Circuit:


Steps to be Followed:
  1. To get the 24V - 0V step down transformer from the 12V:0V:12V @ 1Amp , the Ground Wire(0V) in the transformer should be left unconnected. The remaining two are used to obtain the required 24V - 0V step down Transformer.
  2. The Rectifier bridge with 4 -  1N4007 diodes are constructed as shown in the above circuit.
  3. After the bridge construction, the remaining two voltage pins in the 12V:0V:12V(ignore 0V) step down transformer  are connected to bridge.
  4. The rectified output from the bridge is given to 470uF @ 35V electrolytic Capacitor is used for Filtering.
  5. After filter, the output from capacitor is give to IC LM 7824 for Regulation.
  6. The Regulated output of 24V is then given for the 5 array of 3W LED's as shown in the circuit.
  7. Some resistors are used to limit the current in the circuit.
The Cost for constructing the above circuit is very low. This makes the circuit cheaper and the brightness that is seen is also very very large when compared to Incandescent and CFL's bulb. It is mainly used for home appliances. The main advantage of the above circuit is, the Power consumed by the circuit is very low.

5. Implementation/practical video:

1. Real setup of the circuit

2. Transformer("where the 0V pin is unconnected and remaining two pins from transformer are connected to the bridge")

3. Rectifier Bridge using 1N4007 diodes

4. Filter and regulator included on breadboard

5. Illustration Video

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